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Life Coach

Contact me for your free 30 minute consult.


Experienced Life Coach

Imagine sitting around with a group of trusted friends, checking in with each other, practicing some light and easy meditation together, and exploring new ways to manage stress and anxiety at a weekly gathering.

An IDEA, a lifetime of experience, and a Life Skills Coaching certificate is what I have to offer.

Together, we can make kitchen table gatherings a weekly happening.

I understand the need to talk about a situation or an event without being advised about what to do. To just be able to say it as many times as needed. To be seen and heard can be SO empowering! We all need to be seen and to be heard in our broken moments, without hearing about what we should be doing. 

We need to have at least one person who can hold our story carefully.

A tribe is even better.

THAT is my vision for this site. Safety and Love for all who seek it.

#life_coach #coach #friends #love #light #lgbtq+ #calm #safe_space #comfort #healing #codependency #LoriKuechler

Through my own life experiences, I have seen how challenging life can be. 

Deciding to make changes can be overwhelming.

Sometimes it only takes one other person to listen, and to help us to organize and implement those changes.
I can help you with exploring options as you discover the ways to help with the growth and healing necessary to change your life!

#coach #life #love #growth #resiliency 
#strength #mindfulness #self_love #self_care #peer_mentor
#skills #survival #thrive #bestie #best_friend
#stilettodiary #
Life Skills Coach #author #calm #zen #peace
#self_aware #jessika #codependent #codependency

Take control of your own life, without having to walk away from people or situations, unless you choose to.

Through coaching sessions, you can learn to recognize the ways that you are giving away your own power, and how to gently reclaim it.
Spend time talking with a Coach who has been there; someone who found peace and strength through real life lessons and from my own Coach. 

I can show you how self-care, journal writing, and being able to share your story safely, without being judged can make a tremendous difference in your everyday well-being.

#tell_your_story #journal #believe #life_skills #communicate #kuechler


Life Skills on the Go!

Learn new ways to take care of yourself while you get your steps!

The first person to suffer neglect when we are busy taking care of others is ourselves. I offer a coaching session on the go.

There are times when you may be looking to make positive changes in your life, and we can combine walking in the park with time spent exploring opportunities. Also a great option for people who have been advised by their doctor to get more exercise, as it's easier to get out for a walk with company.

Contact me to discuss the cost, as the walks can be booked in half hour, one hour, or even longer increments.  If you click on the "Let's Chat" button, I get a message and I will reach out as soon as I am available.


Mindful Living

Staying present helps you to regain control.

Mindfulness is an important part of reclaiming your sanity.

Through our Kitchen Table style gatherings you can learn to recognise ways that you are most likely already practicing mindfulness, that you don't realise. I will also help you to recognise ways that people actually GIVE AWAY their power. 

I'll teach you to capture the moments when you are being mindful, so that you can focus your own growth and healing. I call those moments 'check-points', and they are an incredible tool to have in your own toolbox.

Mindfulness is the very best strategy to stop the chaos and regain control of rumination, negative internal dialogue, and self-sabotage.



Being able to advocate your OWN needs clearly and calmly is the important benefit of learning about communication.

Does it sometimes feel like you are alone in the fight for peace in your relationships? Do you feel frustrated and misunderstood, when all you want is to enjoy a calm and happy life? 
I can teach you how to communicate calmly and with clarity, to have your needs better understood. You CAN take control of your life successfully. 


“Start over, my Darling.
Be brave enough to find the life you want and courageous enough to chase it.
Then start over and love yourself the way you were always meant to.”

Madalyn Beck



Contact me for a free 30 minute consultation.

Thanks for Reaching Out!

A Personal Life Coach

I am a certified Life Skills Coach who specializes in helping people navigate life's challenges. I coach my clients in a way that utilizes their own experience, together with the tools that I have to share. I first learned about coaching when I hit several huge challenges at once in my own life, and I was struggling to find a way to make sense of things. The problem solving techniques that I learned were so successful that friends and family began asking me for help with their challenges. This motivated me to turn my newly discovered gifts into a full-time career. If you have any questions about my experience, or would like to schedule a free 30 minute consultation, please send me a message.

** Due to social distancing and isolation preferences, I have adapted the ways that I can be available to help. Reach out to discuss video sessions, or outdoor options with me.

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